Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where did we go on our Honeymoon!?!?!?!?!?!

Dorset or Devon?????

We don't know!!

How embarrassing is that!

We were at a great birthday party here in Vista. Many thanks to our hosts, a great evening was had by all!

As part of the celebrations we played a few games. One was the old, but still as good as ever memory game where I managed to come in second!!

Then we played the 'how well do you know your husband?' - aka 'how to embarrass yourself' or 'how to get into big trouble at home!' There were some pretty hilarious responses to most of the seemingly innocuous questions. We did pretty well except on the honeymoon question.

Our honeymoon was arranged at very short notice and we were only there for 3 nights but still should be able to remember where we went, right? I said Devon, Simon Dorset.

Well at least we had the right continent, right country and right end of the of the country! But even so..... Our photos (pre-digital age) are back int he attic in SJ so theres no hoping for a clue there in the immediate future!!

So for the foreseeable we will avoid all parties where such games may be played!!!

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