Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting Closer..........

Taking a break from my long list of things to do!!

Still can't believe we are actually going to be moving - strange mixture of moving related activities and life as usual. One minute I'm confirming packing/shipping dates (packers next Monday....yikes!) and the next arranging end of soccer season pizza party. Trying to get the stuff in the garage all tidied up and tripping over a wet tent and sleeping bag from Adam's campout this weekend drying out!! I'm sure it's actually impossible to be ready for something like this. As our shipment is somewhat vaguely scheduled to arrive to our new home Dec 23rd (and we are after all going to India), we can really write off any hope of it arriving for Christmas - so we're trying to get small (in size) gifts for the boys which we can surreptitiously put in our suitcases. Christmas without furniture - not done that one before!!

From Monday we will be camping in our house here for the following couple of weeks - I'm sure I'll have something to blog about that!!

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