Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bet the view from my tennis court is different from yours!!!

Firstly the tennis court here does have a view - it is roof top!!, on top of the party hall and ironing guy's shop.

Out of these tiny little houses, there are several in a row, come the most immaculately turned out kids in their school uniforms (putting my reprobates to shame), hair shining and braided and I know they clean their teeth as they do that outside. Also spot the satellite dishes!

  There are also some bigger apartment blocks - where wielding my tennis racket I am on a level with drying washing, daily stretching, morning chai being imbibed, teeth cleaning and hair brushing - life is out there, if there's not room to do it inside, do it under the blue skies!

Just to add a bit of a boast here - I was on court at 7.30am!!!

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