Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Marvelous, Magnificent....its Mango Mania!!

So we had our first fresh mango. Adam had been salivating and drooling for some time - so the first one was his.
First though, as a mango novice, I had to ask Sweetie what to look for in a ripe mango. Then once I got my mango (yes it was a good fresh one - I'd got that bit right), I had to ask Sweetie how to cut it. Where upon she looked at me, "Maam????" - not believing her ears. I repeated myself. At which point she looked at me and smiled, (that special smile she and Karthik save for when we have done or said something particularly incongruous by Indian standards  - but usually sane by western) and showed me how to get the best from my mango in the most efficient fashion. I think I was too overwhelmed by that heady fresh mango smell to take it all in. But I'm going to get plenty of practise in the next few months!!!

After Ads had grab and devoured, I asked him whether this mango was better than the ones from Trader Joe (the ready sliced) or Costco and he looked at me, with one of those "duh mom, are you sure I am really related to you" expressions. So, I guess it was good!!!

Anyway, apparently the best is yet to come, the mangoes will get sweeter and after the first rains they reach their peak. So our house will be smelling of mangoes for weeks to come.

At the end of the season:
 Will I know my Alphonso from my Langra and my  Fazli from my Neelam?
 Will Adam be fully saturated or anxiously waiting for next year?
Will I know 101 different ways to serve a mango......


  1. Some varieties of mango can be eaten unripe. Maybe with a little salt and chilli powder. Tangy deliciousness.

  2. Well have to find out which mango and try that - thanks
