Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who needs an engine?

This week I went to Chickpete, one of the oldest market streets in Bangalore, which was such a vibrant, in ya face combination of sights, smells and noises it warrants another blog. But editing my - "far too many pics", into a more manageable collection I noticed just how many pics I had of people transporting their wares under their own steam! So I had to share just a few!
The "on the head" was the most popular and in some cases the bag was nearly as big as the carrier:
The"on the head" is used equally by women:
There was then the "slightly slipped from the head", aka the "on the shoulder"
Also, the more technologically advanced the "wobbly bike"
And of course the more stable "testesterone pushed cart", which comes in standard sized
and extra large!!

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