Monday, August 13, 2012

Mark of passage!

Ads went, had a blast and returned.

We waved him off in the wee early hours at Bangalore airport. We handed him over to airport ground staff with his case, backpack and wallet of paperwork, all alone.

Then it was too late to second guess myself. Was he too young (12)? Was it too far (half way round the world)? Was it too long (25 nights)? No-one to answer those questions until he got back!

Yes, he was chaperoned on route. Yes, he was staying with friends he has known longer than he can remember and I trust absolutely. Yes, Simon would be in California a week later and would meet up with him a couple of times....but even so.

I dont want to have raised 'hot house kids'. I do want 'free range' kids but was this the right way?

I have such good friends here and there and in-between, who reassured me that he'd be fine, it'd be good for him, he'd come back walking a little taller (hopefully only metaphorically speaking - he's only got a couple of inches to catch me) and more confident.

It was a long three plus weeks punctuated by some monosyllabic texting and two phone calls. Luckily for my sanity, the wonderful friends who put him up (or put up with him!!) kept me updated by photo and email.

As the three plus weeks progressed I got less concerned about him and more proud of him. He seemed to be not only having a great time, but conducting himself like a nice young man. Sometimes maybe you need a little distance to appreciate.

As I met him at the airport in the very early hours he seemed surprised that I was looking excited to see him...."Mom,  I've only been gone three weeks"

A huge thanks to everyone who made Ads first solo trip possible and a hugely successful experience for him.

A mark of passage indeed!
My Mom once gave me a card, which I still have, with a picture of a dove flying high in the skies on the outside and inside she had written "Keep flying higher, I know you will reach where you want to go." And I pass those words on to my Ads!

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